G7 Progress Report: Adaptation & Resilience Investors Collaborative

This report provides key highlights of the progress made by the Collaborative in 2022. It includes a deep-dive analysis and recommendations that have advanced a shared understanding on adaptation and resilience impact metrics and identifies some areas where further analysis and development is needed. It presents the 2023–24 work programme to accelerate progress across the three technical workstreams: (i) physical climate risks; (ii) investor-relevant adaptation and resilience metrics, and (iii) investment vehicles and approaches, set out in the Collaborative’s 2022 Progress Report. 

Download file: ARIC-G7-report.pdf

Organization: UNEP

Theme: Other

Topic: Environment, Ecosystems

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

Gender equality in the sustainable energy transition

UN Women and UNIDO have joined forces to produce this guide on “Gender equality in the sustainable energy transition”, which provides an overview of key and emerging issues in the gender and sustainable energy nexus, illustrated by research findings and case studies. This guide has been drafted with a view to supporting policymakers and development practitioners in government, the private sector, and civil society, as well as in the UN system, who are involved in designing and implementing sustainable energy policies, programmes, and projects.

Download file: Gender-equality-in-the-sustainable-energy-transition-en.pdf

Organization: UN Women

Theme: Energy, Gender

Topic: Energy, Gender

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

The race to net zero : accelerating climate action in Asia and the Pacific

The theme study sets out the transformations that are needed for Asia and the Pacific to transition to a net-zero-carbon future in support of sustainable development. It provides an outline of the regional context of climate change and identifies policies and actions that could be taken in various sectors of the economy to support the global climate agenda, while also making broad economic, social and environmental gains. To close the emissions gap in key sectors, efforts must be made to transition away from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy. Low-carbon mobility and logistical solutions are crucial for accelerating innovation, developing technologies and tapping into greener fuels. The move towards low-carbon transport options requires an integrated approach to land use and urban planning, as Asia and the Pacific is rapidly motorizing. Furthermore, Governments need to boost their climate-smart trade and investment sectors so that they can decarbonize industries that are currently notable for exporting carbon-intensive goods. Trade and investment should be utilized as force multipliers to combat climate change but are still missing from the existing regional climate landscape. The theme study also contains information on climate-related financing needs in the region and addresses data gaps for better monitoring. Given the carbon neutrality commitments from the majority of Asia-Pacific countries, the report recommends strengthening regional policy dialogue and technical cooperation on low carbon, climate-resilient transition.

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Organization: UNESCAP

Theme: Energy

Topic: Energy, Environment, Finance, Transport

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

Urban Climate Action – The Urban Content of the NDCs: Global Review 2022

The world is on track to reach a peak global temperature rise by 2100 that far exceeds the 1.5⁰C target needed to reduce the worst climate change impacts. Cities are particularly critical as they account for 70% of greenhouse gas emissions, consume 78% of the world’s energy and will comprise 68% of the global population by 2050. This report explores the linkage between national climate plans known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and urban issues.

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Organization: UN habitat

Topic: Economic and Development Planning, Urban, Population Dynamics

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

Capacity-building for Enhanced Private Sector Engagement in Climate Action in Eastern and Southern Africa

The Capacity-building sub-division of the Means of Implementation Division together with the respective UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centres and the support of regional and international partners (such as the International Development Research Centre of Canada) have conducted mapping studies in three regions, in order to identify knowledge gaps and capacity-building needs to enable the private sector, and in particular Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to engage effectively in climate action and accelerate implementation of the Paris Agreement.

These studies were conducted in the Middle-East and North Africa (MENA), in the Southeast Asia (SEA), and in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) regions and have also examined the potential role that local/regional academic and research organizations can play to support capacity-building efforts benefiting SMEs.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNFCCC

Topic: Education, Training

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

Mapping Study of Capacity-building Needs and Gaps of SME to Engage on Climate Action in the MENA Region

The Capacity-building sub-division of the Means of Implementation Division together with the respective UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centres and the support of regional and international partners (such as the International Development Research Centre of Canada) have conducted mapping studies in three regions, in order to identify knowledge gaps and capacity-building needs to enable the private sector, and in particular Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to engage effectively in climate action and accelerate implementation of the Paris Agreement.

These studies were conducted in the Middle-East and North Africa (MENA), in the Southeast Asia (SEA), and in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) regions and have also examined the potential role that local/regional academic and research organizations can play to support capacity-building efforts benefiting SMEs.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNFCCC

Topic: Education, Training

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

Scaling Private Sector Climate Finance in the MENA Region

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are highly vulnerable to the physical impacts of climate change through sea level rise, heat stress and water scarcity, which pose increasing risks for food production, energy generation, and livelihood opportunities in the region. 


For financial institutions operating in the MENA region, climate change mitigation and adaptation pose a great set of challenges as well as opportunities. This report showcases concrete examples of climate finance projects and identifies key climate finance trends in the region. The case studies also demonstrate the barriers to greater climate action from the finance sector and aim to inform policymakers and UNEP FI’s climate work in the Middle East and North Africa. 

Designed for banks, multilateral development banks (MDBs) and policymakers operating in the region, the study complements 2019’s report Promoting Sustainable Finance and Climate Finance in the Arab Region highlighting commercial banks’ work on climate action. 

Download file: Report

Organization: UNEP

Topic: Finance, Adaptation

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2022

Language: English

Finance for climate action: scaling up investment for climate and development

This paper follows from the logic of delivering on the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Pact. The first part (Sections 1– 3) focus on this purpose and the necessary investment and actions, drawing on earlier work on the analysis of investments by members of the group and others. The second part (Sections 4–9) is about the scale and nature of the different forms of finance that are necessary for this investment and how they complement each other. Section 10 is on how the framework and the key elements described can be taken forward through our systems for international collaboration, while Section 11 concludes with overall next steps. The paper is intended to provide a framework for finance for climate action covering the overall needs for the comprehensive approach embodied in the Paris Agreement and UNFCCC. All the elements are necessary and urgent; it is a complementary and mutually supportive package. Most of the actions must start now; it is the science and the world’s perilous condition that set the urgency and timing. The paper also looks ahead to the coming decade and beyond. We do not attempt to provide great detail on every element of the package, but we are clear that there is a practical way forward on each.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNECE

Topic: Finance, Economic Analysis

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2022

Language: English

Good practice in climate action in Africa

limate action must confront the vulnerabilities experienced on much of the continent among people who bear a disproportionate share of climate impacts despite contributing relatively little to global emissions (approximately 4%). The focus of this compilation is on projects where international organizations are partnering with national government and local stakeholders in implementation through funding, technology transfer, and capacity building.

The report focuses on initiatives where national governments have partnered specifically with UN entities, often together with other international partners, local stakeholders, and the private sector. The examples provided are diverse, cutting across countries, sectors, approaches, and implementing partners. They cover successful practices in climate-sensitive sectors in need of urgent and scaled up responses: energy, agriculture, land restoration, water and sanitation, coastal restoration, tourism, waste, and transport. The report also identifies important cross-cutting lessons. While tailored and context-driven approaches are crucial to success, some takeaways emerge from across the full set that are relevant for further action across sectors.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNECA

Topic: Energy, Transport, Tourism, Water, Agriculture and Food, Chemicals and Waste, Ecosystems

Type of material: Other

Publication date: 2022

Language: English

Adapting to a New Climate in the MENA Region

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is one of the most vulnerable to physical climate change impacts, putting human activities and natural systems at high risk. Immediate action to accelerate adaptation finance is critical to address the climate adaptation gap and lessen or prevent potential climate change risks. 


This report addresses the risks of climate change in the MENA region, the resulting economic impacts, and how banks are currently responding to climate risks. With a focus on Egypt and Morocco, it analyzes the current state of adaptation finance and the barriers to scale up finance for adaptation and resilience in the region. 


The results of this study include recommendations to scale up finance for adaptation and resilience in the region based on desk-based research, a survey of regional banks, and interviews with a sample of commercial and development finance institutions. This resource is a regional supplement of the report Adapting to a new climate published in November 2022.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNEP

Topic: Environment, Adaptation, Biodiversity

Type of material: Guidance Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

The 2023 Climate Risk Landscap

With worsening impacts of climate change affecting almost every human and natural system across the globe and the critical economic transition to a net-zero emissions future on its way, successful companies and communities will be the ones showing climate resilience and contributing to a sustainable future. 

In order to better understand climate risks and opportunities and inform their strategies, financial institutions have turned towards climate risk tools, a market that has developed at an impressive pace in the last few years. UNEP FI’s 2023 Climate Risk Landscape report assists financial institutions in better understanding the diverse and dynamic landscape of climate risk tools. The report explores the major market trends in physical risk and transition risk tools and provides detailed analysis on dozens of individual tools. 


The project has been supported by a group of 44 banks convened by UNEP FI as part of its Climate Risk and TCFD Programme. It follows the 2021 Climate Risk Landscape Report diving into the similarities and distinctions among climate risk assessment tools, and the 2022 Supplement that incorporated financial institutions’ experience of working with different tool providers.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNEP

Topic: Environment

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

Adapting to a New Climate

With extreme events such as heatwaves, severe precipitation and droughts all expected to increase in a warming world, adapting to a changing climate requires as much attention as mitigating climate impacts. Action on adaptation is particularly salient for countries in many emerging markets and developing countries where the costs of climate impacts will far outweigh the costs of emissions reductions. UNEP’s latest Adaptation Gap Report, ‘Too Little, Too Slow’ issued just ahead of COP27 estimated the adaptation needs for developing countries alone to be up to $340bn annually by 2030.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNEP

Topic: Environment, Finance, Adaptation

Type of material: Guidance Document

Publication date: 2022

Language: English

Emissions Gap Report 2022

The report shows that updated national pledges since COP26 – held in 2021 in Glasgow, UK – make a negligible difference to predicted 2030 emissions and that we are far from the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2°C, preferably 1.5°C. Policies currently in place point to a 2.8°C temperature rise by the end of the century. Implementation of the current pledges will only reduce this to a 2.4-2.6°C temperature rise by the end of the century, for conditional and unconditional pledges respectively.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNEP

Theme: Energy

Topic: Energy, Science

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2022

Adaptation Gap Report 2022

The report looks at progress in planning, financing and implementing adaptation actions. At least 84 per cent of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have established adaptation plans, strategies, laws and policies – up 5 per cent from the previous year. The instruments are getting better at prioritizing disadvantaged groups, such as Indigenous peoples.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNEP

Topic: Environment, Finance, Adaptation

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2022

Language: English

Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report

The report provides the main scientific input to COP28 and the Global Stocktake at the end of this year, when countries will review progress towards the Paris Agreement goals.

The report outlines that the 1.5°C limit is still achievable and outlines the critical action required across sectors and by everyone at all levels. The report focuses on the critical need for action that considers climate justice and focuses on climate resilient development. It outlines that by sharing best practices, technology, effective policy measures, and mobilising sufficient finance, any community can decrease or prevent the usage of carbon-intensive consumption methods. The biggest gains in well-being can be achieved by prioritizing climate risk reduction for low-income and marginalized communities.

Download file: Report

Organization: IPCC

Theme: Science

Topic: Industry, Energy, Economic and Development Planning, Biodiversity, Human Security, Ecosystems, Science

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

Toolkit on Digital Transformation for People-Oriented Cities and Communities

The Toolkit on Digital Transformation for People-Oriented Cities and Communities supports strategizing and planning the digital transformation of cities and communities to promote sustainable, inclusive, resilient and improved quality of life for residents in cities and communities.

Access the toolkit

Organization: ITU

Theme: Cities

Topic: Transport, Urban, Energy, Policy Instruments

Type of material: Guidance Document

Publication date: 2022

Language: English

Youth demands for quality climate change education

This report presents the findings of the survey ran by UNESCO with over 58,000 teachers worldwide on the topic of climate change education.

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Organization: UNESCO

Theme: Youth, Education

Topic: Education, Training

Type of material: Activity Report

Publication date: 2022

Language: English

How to work in the green economy?

When choosing professional future, many young people, sensitive to planetary issues, would like their future job to be consistent with their convictions and help to bend the carbon curve. However, for non-specialists, the green economy is still very vague. Which careers to go to? What skills to acquire? This guide aims to provide them with answers.

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Organization: ILO

Theme: Youth

Topic: Labour, Environment, Green Jobs/Economy

Type of material: Guidance Document

Publication date: 2022

Language: English, French, Spanish

Aiming Higher: Elevating Meaningful Youth Engagement for Climate Action

This guidance explores what meaningful youth engagement in climate action looks like, both conceptually and practically. It does this by identifying dimensions and pathways that support meaningful youth participation and by providing actionable recommendations for climate action in general and NDC implementation specifically. The guidance builds upon UNDP’s knowledge and experience working with young people and was developed after extensive consultations with global youth climate actors.

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Organization: UNDP

Theme: Youth

Topic: Environment, Public Participation

Type of material: Guidance Document

Publication date: 2020

Language: English

Linking Global Finance to Small-Scale Clean Energy

This report analyses potential links between global finance to small-scale clean energy projects in developing countries. The analysis identifies key barriers, market enablers, case studies, insights and recommendations to wider adoption of financial aggregation as a means to enable capital flows at scale toward small-scale low carbon energy initiatives. 

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Organization: UNDP

Theme: Energy

Topic: Finance, Energy, Economic and Development Planning, Adaptation, Mitigation

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2022

Language: English