Kenya is a leading country when it comes to taking action to address climate change. The country has in place a number of national policies to tackle its impacts, and is actively engaged in multiple international initiatives. Since 2018, UN CC:Learn has been working with the Kenyan government and other stakeholders to develop a more strategic approach to climate change learning.

Towards a National Climate Change Learning Strategy

Our work in Kenya, the UN CC:Learn Project to Strengthen Human Resources and Skills to Advance the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is now underway.

The project is engaging a range of stakeholders and sectors. It is expected to inform and lead to the development of Kenya’s national climate change learning strategy.

Building on a background report, a virtual National Planning Workshop took place on 27 July and 11 August 2020. The assessment of learning needs and delivery capacity was concluded in December 2020. The mid-term workshop to develop the Learning Action Plan for the Strategy was held on 12 and 13 January 2021. A draft Climate Change Learning Strategy has then been prepared.

In parallel, a few initial priority learning actions have been undertaken, including a training on climate change diplomacy and a workshop on the integration of climate change in education. A debate on climate change learning with prominent speakers will take place on national TV on 27 May 2021.

Our National Partners

Our work in Kenya is coordinated by the Climate Change Directorate in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Kenya Climate Change Working Group (KCCWG). The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the UN Country Team also provide support.

View a video featuring Zipona Otieno, FAO, on adaptation planning in the agriculture sector in Kenya.


UN Country Team Liaison

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Representation in Kenya
United Nations Complex
UN Avenue, Gigiri, Nairobi
PO Box: 30470, 00100, GPO
Nairobi, Kenya

Project News and Activities

Online Training Builds Capacity of Kenyan Officials on Climate Diplomacy                                                        13 November – 8 December 2020 I Online

Kicking off 2021 on the right foot: Kenya is on track to develop its National Climate Change Learning Strategy                                                                                                                                                                  10 February 2021 I Nakuru, Kenya

Kenya convenes the Technical Task Team to support the National Climate Change Learning Strategy development process                                                                                                                                           22 September 2020 I Nairobi, Kenya

Kenya Makes Steady Progress in the Development of its National Climate Change Learning Strategy
11 August 2020 | Nairobi, Kenya

The Journey Begins towards Developing Kenya’s National Climate Change Learning Strategy 
28 July 2020 | Nairobi, Kenya

New UN CC:Learn Project Launched in Kenya 
29 April 2019 | Nairobi, Kenya