In the coming decades, Niger will face extreme weather events, such as sudden and torrential rainfalls, droughts, heat waves, and strong winds, which often carry dust bearing epidemic diseases. Since 2015, UN CC:Learn has been with working with the government of Niger and other stakeholders to meet the government’s ambition of developing a national climate change learning strategy.

Building a National Climate Change Learning Strategy

Niger has developed its National Climate Change Learning Strategy through a process that engaged a wide range of stakeholders. The strategy was validated in August 2016 during a workshop that brought together around 30 representatives from multiple ministries, civil society, the academia and international cooperation agencies.

The strategy is centered around three strategic lines:

  1. climate change skills development in priority sectors,
  2. integration of climate change into national and sectoral policies, and
  3. awareness-raising and knowledge sharing.

As a first step towards this strategy, a background report was developed.

View the background report in French here.

Turning the Strategy into Action

Raising Awareness on Climate Change

An action plan with specific activities was designed. Some of the key activities aiming to put the strategy into practice include:

Using theatre and songs in the local language to raise local communities’ awareness of early warning systems and climate change, as part of A GIZ-WFP project. This was done in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, the Direction de la Météorologie Nationale, and the Ministry of Culture. It raised the awareness of 113 decision-makers and local stakeholders in three villages, on agrometeorology, climate risks and adaptive irrigation systems.

A GIZ project which led to the creation of a module on small irrigation for farmers.
Awareness raising of regional actors on climate change adaptation planning promoted by the Secrétariat Exécutif du Conseil national de l’environnement pour un développement durable (SE-CNEDD), mayors and regional technical services, with support from FAO.

An awareness raising and information workshop focusing on the climate change learning strategy was held in November 2016. This event targeted national teachers’ schools, training institutes, universities, NGOs and the private sector.

A Youth Climate Dialogue took place in November 2015.

A GIZ project which led to the creation of a module on small irrigation for farmers.

Climate Change Negotiations Training

A training workshop on bilateral and multilateral climate change funding was organized in December 2016. During the event, participants formulated recommendations, including a national strategy for the mobilization of climate funds; building the capacity of the Technical Commission on Climate Change and Variability; and conducting regular assessments of the impact of climate finance.

Integrating Climate Change in Sectoral Strategies

The integration of climate change was advanced into sectoral strategy and national regulations for the transport/infrastructure, husbandry and water sectors in collaboration with multiple partners.
The integration of climate change into the sectoral strategy and national regulations for transportation/infrastructure. This follows the integration of climate change into the sectoral plans for animal husbandry achieved in 2017 through the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA), in partnership with Agrhymet.


The integration of climate change into the sectoral strategy for the water sector, undertaken by the Ministry of Water Resources in collaboration with the Université de Niamey and the Secrétariat Exécutif du Conseil national de l’environnement pour un développement durable (SE-CNEDD), with support from the World Bank.

Niger has been regularly sharing experiences with other partner countries as part of the UN CC:Learn regional hub in West Africa. For further information, please check the West African Hub page.

Our National Partners

Our work in Niger is implemented under the leadership of the Secrétariat Exécutif du Conseil national de l’environnement pour un développement durable (SE-CNEDD), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme.


National Coordinator

Mr. Gousmane Moussa
Unité Changement climatique
Secrétariat Exécutif du Conseil National de l’Environnement pour un Développement Durable (SE-CNEDD)
B.P. 10193 Niamey
Phone: (00227) 96 22 8779

UN Country Team Liaison

Mr. Mahamane Lawali
Chargé Programme Energie Environnement
PNUD Niger
Cel: (+227) 91 20 83 28
Bur: (+227) 20 73 21 09
Email :

Project News and Activities

Niger Validates its National Climate Change Learning Strategy
16 August 2016 | Niamey, Niger

Niger at Halfway through its Process of Formulating National Learning Strategy on Climate Change
01 June 2016 | Niamey, Niger

Niger Invests in Skills Development for Climate Change
25 June 2015 | Niamey, Niger