Forest fires, deforestation and the degradation of forests and peatland have contributed to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia. At the same time, being an archipelago, Indonesia is vulnerable to other climate change impacts. Since 2011, UN CC:Learn has been working with the Indonesian government and other stakeholders to improve climate change learning in the country and be better equipped to deal with these challenges.

Building a National Climate Change Learning Strategy

Following consultation and engagement of key stakeholders, Indonesia’s National Climate Change Learning Strategy was launched in 2013. It focuses on three key areas:

  • building personal and institutional capacity to address climate change,
  • integrating climate change in the national education system, and
  • improving awareness and knowledge about climate change.

The strategy is referenced and included in the policies and programmes of the sectors and institutions participating in the National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation (RAN-API) and the National Action Plan on Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction (RAN-GRK).

The strategy is available in English and can be downloaded below:

Turning the Strategy into Actions

  • The National Council on Climate Change (DNPI) in collaboration with the Institute of Technology of Bandung (ITB) organized a workshop on climate change knowledge management bringing together 160 participants from the scientific community, including national research institutions as well as private and national universities.
  • DNPI and the Forestry Education and Training Center of the Ministry of Forestry, with the assistance of the Natural Resources Development Center (NRDC) published in 2014 a Training Module on REDD+ for Policy Makers at National and Sub-National Level. The module is available in Bahasa Indonesia and English and was used to deliver training for province and district level officials. The module was integrated into a project led by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) to extend REDD+ training to district level decision-makers.
  • 150 university students took part in the Youth Leadership Camp for Climate Change in February 2017. They learned about climate change, its impact, and how to become actors of change in their communities. After the camps, participants implemented their own climate projects. Three outstanding participants were awarded with a fully sponsored invitation by UN CC:Learn to a “Tribal Climate Camp” (TCC), hosted near Seattle, USA, in August 2017. During this event, the students received more advanced training on climate change and local climate adaptation planning.

  • A second Youth Leadership Camp for Climate Crisis, organized by UNESCO, UN CC:Learn and the Climate Reality Project Indonesia, was held in January 2020. Throughout the three days, 50 Indonesian students and young professionals gathered in the Belambangan UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, in East Java, to increase their understanding of climate change, develop their communication skills and learn how to leverage social media to better disseminate their messages and promote climate solutions.

Our National Partners

Our work in Indonesia is coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The National Coordination Mechanism also comprised non-governmental stakeholders such as universities and civil society organizations.

Students working in groups of 5 reflect on how they can address climate change in their daily lives.     

Project News and Activities

Youth Leadership Camp for Climate Crisis Equips Youth with the Skills to Spread the Word about Climate Change
18 February 2020 | Indonesia

Indonesia is Making Teachers Part of the Solution to Climate Change
10 April 2019 | Indonesia

Empowering Youth to Lead on Climate Change
06 November 2017 | Indonesia | United States

From Theory to Action: Indonesian Students Learn to Address Climate Change
19 April 2017 | Indonesia

New Youth Leadership Programme Empowers Indonesian Youth to Act on Climate Change
04 February 2017 | West Java, North Sumatra and Lampung, Indonesia