Doddy S. Sukadri

Country: Indonesia

Organization: Green Partner Foundation (Previously National Council on Climate Change)


Dr. Doddy S. Sukadri was the former coordinator of the national UN CC:Learn project in Indonesia, and successfully led the development of Indonesia’s National Climate Change Learning Strategy. Doddy has then worked as a Low Carbon Development Advisor for Indonesia’s National Council on Climate Change (NCCC/DNPI). He is now the Executive Director of “Yayasan Mitra Hijau” (YMH) or Green Partner Foundation, a national NGO working for low carbon development strategy, carbon market and trade, as well as climate change-related matters.

Doddy is a forest policy analyst, holding a PhD in Forestry from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA. Previously, he completed his Master program at University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, majoring in Forest-Watershed Management. His Bachelor in Science, also in Forestry, was obtained from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia. Before joining NCCC, he worked for the Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia for more than 25 years. During his tenure, he was posted in various divisions, ranging from forest planning, reforestation and land rehabilitation, to foreign cooperation, and forest policy research and development. He has extensive experience working with international organizations, including CIFOR and the World Bank.