
The reports are the results of a series of impact surveys conducted within our learning community as well as testimonials from our beneficiaries with the aim of understanding the effectiveness of our courses. The main results from this research are:

  • 91% of learners have applied or used the knowledge after taking the course to some extent.
  • 91% of learners have become more confident to speak or advocate for climate change.
  • 76% of learners changed completely or mostly how they think about climate change
  • 95% of learners have changed their resource consumption patterns.
  • 7% of respondents received a pay raise.

The survey conducted annually reveals the positive and continuous impact of our e-courses on beneficiaries. Furthermore, it demonstrates that climate change education can help students in developing a wide range of abilities and skills and is pivotal in making people aware of the worldwide epidemic that has been unfolding. As a result, climate education is a critical driving force for climate action. Access the reports below for further information.

Being the Change: A Collection of Climate Stories

This storybook offers a collection of climate stories from our ten climate champions. Their climate actions were inspired by our courses and they have been working proactively to contribute toward a sustainable transformation of their community. Each of the stories aims to inspire others to take climate actions into their own hands. Read their stories and learn how everyone can start to make a difference.