Climate change is bringing about a greater incidence of droughts, cyclones, floods, hailstorms and heat waves to Zimbabwe. The negative impacts of these extreme weather events are likely to stall the country’s development. They pose serious risks to key sectors for the national economy, such as agriculture, forestry and water resources. Since 2018, UN CC:Learn has been working with the Zimbabwean government and other stakeholders in the country to improve the capacities and skills of individuals and institutions to tackle this challenge.

Towards a National Climate Change Learning Strategy

Our work in Zimbabwe has the specific aim of strengthening the learning and skills development needed to bring to fruition the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP).

We are building on the knowledge and experience of other UN CC:Learn country work, particularly Malawi and Zambia, and collaborating with MIET Africa, an education NGO that works with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) governments to support the provision of quality education in the SADC region.

As a first step towards developing a national climate change learning strategy, a background report was produced. It sets out:

  • national policy priorities, initiatives and institutions relevant for climate change capacity development in Zimbabwe,
  • the key stakeholders for climate change learning,
  • a review of past and on-going climate change learning initiatives in Zimbabwe, and
  • recommendations for next steps.

View the background report available in English below:

The following documents also aim to contribute to building a Zimbabwean climate learning strategy:

The newly released National Climate Change Learning Strategy can be found below:

Our National Partners

Our work in Zimbabwe is implemented under the leadership of the Climate Change Management Department in the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism & Hospitality Industry, with participation and contributions from stakeholders from different sectors.

The United Nations Development Program Zimbabwe Country Office supports our work, as part of its Supporting Enhanced Climate Action for Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development Pathway Project (SECA).


National Coordinator

Mr. Washington Zhakata
Director, Climate Change Management Department
UNFCCC & GCF Focal Point
Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism & Hospitality Industry

Mr. Tatenda Mutasa
Principal Climate Change Scientist
Climate Change Management Department,
Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
11th Floor, Kaguvi Building
Cnr 4th Street/Central Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe
Email: tmutasa09@gmail.comm

UN Country Team Liaison

Mr. Jeremiah Mushosho
Programme Analyst
Climate Change, Environment & Energy
United Nations Development Programme
Block 10, Arundel Office Park
Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe

Project News and Activities

Radio Listening Habits to Boost Climate Action in Southern Africa                                                                11 June 2021 I Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Has Launched its National Climate Change Learning Strategy, Cementing the Country’s Commitment to Advancing Climate Literacy                                                                                                     26 February 2021 I Harare, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe takes the road to raise climate change awareness among the country’s rural youth
31 November – 19 December 2020 I Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Validates and Finalizes their National Climate Change Learning Strategy                                  11 September 2020 I Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Develops its National Climate Change Learning Strategy Action Plan
13-14 February 2020 | Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Takes the First Step to Enhance Climate Change Learning
21-22 October 2019 | Bulawayo, Zimbabwe